Nasi Bocciści rozegrali dziś 4 mecze.
I w żadnym z nich nie dali cienia szansy przeciwnikom.
Bilans na dziś? 4-0
Damian Iskrzycki wygrał wysoko dwa mecze z Azerem i Francuzem przy czym nie tracąc żadnego punktu i pewnie wyszedł z grupy z pierwszego miejsca. Jesteśmy bardzo dumni

Marta Wesołek w meczu o wyjście z grupy wygrała z Norweżką 10-0 i jutro zagra w ćwierćfinale 

Edyta Owczarz pokonała Niemkę i zapewniła sobie pierwsze miejsce w grupie i udział w jutrzejszym ćwierćfinale 

W pozostałych meczach dzisiaj większych niespodzianek nie było i wszyscy faworyci przeszli do fazy pucharowej 

Nawet niska temperatura na hali nie przeszkodzi rozgrzać nas do czerwoności 

Our national team gains momentum with every day that passes ! 

Our boccia players have played 4 matches today.
And each of them ended without our players giving as much as an inch to their opponents.
Overall result for today? 4-0
Damian Iskrzycki had achieved a high win in both of his games – with Azeri and Frenchman, what’s even more important, without losing as much as a point he advances from his group as its leader. We are very proud 

Marta Wesołek, in her game which had advancing from group at its stake, had won 10-0 against the Norwegian, which means that she plays in the Quarter-Final tomorrow 

Edyta Owczarz had defeated the German and as a leader of her group she plays in tomorrow’s Quarter-Final 

There were no surprises in other matches today – all favourites have reached the knock-out stage 

Even the low temperature in the hall does not stop our boiling-hot emotions

fot: Basia Hohensee