
Hosting organization „Non Profit Company „Bravura Cooperativa”, was responsible for the organization of the workshop in Delcevo 27.07-3.08.2016.. All the participants are very impressed by great hospitality and well organization of Macedonians.

We want to thank Aleksander Nikolov, Dejancho Zdravkov and Zorka Kocev for the warm welcome!

On August the 3rd all the participants moved to the nearby Kyustendil in Bulgaria to continue the project.

Program „BOCCIA – Enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities and their environment through Paralympic sport Boccia” co-funded by Erasmus+Programme of the European Union is implemented by Sports Rehabilitation Association START, Poznan, Poland- Project Leader and 5 Partners: „Partners Kyustendil Association” – Slokoshtitza, Bulgaria, „Foundation of Health Social and Education” – Soma, Turkey, „Bravura Cooperativa”- Delcevo, Humanitarian Association for Help and Support of the People with Special Needs – FYR of Macedonia, Non Profit Company „Center for Social support” – Kilkis, Greece and „Coalition for Independent Living”- Tbilisi, Georgia.

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