
6 teams of project ” BOCCIA – Enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities and their environment through Paralympic sport co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union” from Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey and Poland took part in the integrational games of 3rd International PolskaBoccia’2016 event in Poznan from 6th to 9th of October.

The final results of the competition:

1 Poland
2 FYR of Macedonia
3 Turkey
4 Bulgaria
5 Georgia
6 Greece

The same time project instructors were actively involved in working activities of Event Organizing Committee (eg. as referees, assists etc.)

Then all participants moved to Dymaczewo near Poznan for the final parts of activity to resume the project. Let’s remember its main frames:
– to transfer of effective solutions that activates vitally, equalizes
opportunities and health-enhancing physical activities of disabled people
using Boccia
– to increased participation in, and equal access to sport for all.
What outcomes we have achieved:
– 30 trained Boccia instructors,
– at least 72 volunteers/Animators,
– athletes of International PolskaBoccia Event,
– 5 Boccia training groups in every Partner Organizations established.
– Last outcome – „The Good practice guidance” will be prepare soon
Due to unique regions in which the project took place and because of
project participants differentiation we had opportunity to gain great number of advantages not only in sport. Project enabled to learn to respect each other, gave a chance to meet people with disabilities and people without disabilities from different places, meet people with different religions and different historical context, age, different social conditions, different languages etc.

We want to say thank you to all participants for making it possible for us to finalize the last meeting. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the leaders: Veska – the real creator of the idea of Project, many thanks to Seyda, to Aleksander, to Grigoris and to Tamuna. The leaders were supported by many of you: thanks to all.

We are proud that our project stands in first line of Erasmus +Sports
programme. We remember that in 2014 the European agency received 406 motions which has satisfied criteria of the contest for new program. 42 projects received grants, only 2 of them have been related to the topic „People with disabilities”, among them our „Boccia”. We are also very proud that project has opened for you the doorway to the International Family of Boccia.

We hope that you enjoyed yourself stay in Poznań & Dymaczewo.

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