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During IPC General Assembly in Mexico City (November 14-15) David Hadfield – BISFed President and General Secretary Martin Lam, heard Romuald Schmidt’s report about “BOCCIA – Enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities and their environment through Paralympic sport” co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union “implementation.

 Project lead by Poland, implemented with NGOs from Bulgaria, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey and Georgia is co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union and directed to people with disabilities, specialists, volunteers and people working for disabledPeople environment. One of the main goals of the project is  increasing participation in and equal access to sport for all through training workshops for future Boccia instructors and volunteers. 

 Good impression was made for sure because of the information that the project is implemented by 5 countries from which 3- FYR of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Georgia- create blank spots on the world of Boccia map.  The long term effect of the project should not only be implementation of Boccia in these countries but most likely increasing of BISFed range (at the moment federation associates 56 countries). President David Hadfield and General Secretary Martin Lamm suggested the possibility of application of the project to develop Boccia across the globe.