Next training workshop for future Boccia instructors and volunteer/Animators of life activity in people with disabilities has just started in Soma, Turkey (8 – 15 October 2015). Each Project Countries provided 5 persons to be trained in Boccia coaching. Moreover the workshops for 12 volunteers/Animators from Turkey is organized. Turkish Partner – Foundation of Health Social and Education in Soma is responsible for hosting the project participants.
Due to unique regions in which the project is taking place and because of project participants differentiation there is opportunity to gain great number of advantages not only in sport . Project will enable to learn to respect each other, give a chance to meet people with disabilities and people without disabilities from different places, meet people with different religions – Muslims, Orthodox, Catholic, Roman Catholic and other (different historical context, age, different social conditions, different languages etc.).
Project BOCCIA – Enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities and their environment through Paralympic sport Boccia implemented by 6 NGOs from Bulgaria, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey, Poland and Georgia is co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.